Thursday, November 28, 2013

A hipot tester

A hipot tester is an electronic device used to verify the electrical insulation in a device or other wired assembly that could subject someone to a shock if it failed. It generally consists of:


1.            A source of high voltage,

2.            A current meter,

3.            A switching matrix used to connect the high voltage source and the current meter to all of the contact points in a cable.


Hipot testers may also have a microcontroller and a display to automate the testing process and display the testing results.

A hipot tester can be very similar to a cable tester and often the two are combined into a single device.

In a typical wired assembly a hipot test should connect all circuits in common to ground. Then, one by one the tester will disconnect a given circuit from ground and connect that circuit to high voltage . The current that flows is monitored to verify that it is low enough.



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